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Suzhou, CN

Req ID:  86147
Facility:  Suzhou-485
Department:  Quality
Division:  Global APS


Basic Function


Roles & Responsibilities

  1. 遵守公司的各项规章制度。
  2. 可主动,积极,快速,准确完成所有实验室测试;对所出数据负责。
  1. 积极主动应对处理实验室各项相关测试,遇到不能确定的情况及时与主管沟通; 与其他部门人员间沟通顺畅,和谐相处,遇事不推脱,积极面对; 工作时仔细关注各项设备的运行状态,发现异常及时报告,并及时将信息通知相应人员注意; 积极主动帮助悉心指导新进人员尽快熟悉展开工作;
  2. 严肃认真对待,严格执行各项安全环保规定, 在辖区内若发现他人违反,需立即制止,根据WI的定义对相关测试佩戴规定的PPE(如防割手套, 防烫手套等等
  3. 负责所有的在线测试并及时将测试结果反馈给生产线领班,并及时输入SAP系统;
  4. 负责安排所有当班产品的样条注塑及技术部送样的注塑;
  5. 在确保在线测试及时准确完成的情况下,积极安排原料与成品的性能测试,需要时配合产品放行工程师对产品进行放行。配合生产线领班对在线不合格品进行标识,配合实验室领班按计划对注塑机及模具进行清洁保养;
  6. 实验室区域,注塑机区域及货架区域的5S的维持
  7. 部门内其他机动安排。


Min. Qualifications

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  1. 高中(含高中)以上毕业,做事仔细认真负责;


Work Experience:

  1. 有注塑机操作经验的优先;.
  2. 一定的电脑操作技巧,可完成简单电脑操作及测试结果的输入;
  3. 3-8年的实验室测试的经验。


Licenses & Certifications:

  1. 毕业证书

Critical Competencies/Behaviors:

  1. 有效沟通

          与生产部门及时沟通相关数据, 对在线产品进行判定引导生产及时调节, 提高一次合格率。

     2.  相互信任



  1. 有注塑机操作经验的优先;.
  2. 一定的电脑操作技巧,可完成简单电脑操作及测试结果的输入;



中文  英文


Preferred Qualifications


Build Partnerships
Deliver Results
Drive Innovation
Grow Capabilities
Promote Inclusion
Motivational/Cultural Fit
Technical Skills
Communicates effectively
Instills trust and exemplifies integrity

We are LyondellBasell – a leader in the global chemical industry creating solutions for everyday sustainable living. Through advanced technology and focused investments, we are enabling a circular and low carbon economy. Across all we do, we aim to champion our employees, and unlock value for customers, investors and society. LyondellBasell places high priority on diversity, equity and inclusion and is strongly committed to our planet, the communities where we operate and our future workforce.  As one of the world’s largest producers of polymers and a leader in polyolefin technologies, we develop, manufacture and market high-quality and innovative products for applications ranging from sustainable transportation and food safety to clean water and quality healthcare. For more information, please visit or follow @LyondellBasell on LinkedIn.

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